The Life Cycle of a Cockroach

Cockroach Control in Doha Qatar, Pesticide Guard

Cockroaches, like other insect pests like termites, bed bugs, and ants, reproduce quickly and can quickly infest a home or business. Cockroaches have plenty of time to multiply and spread an infestation since they are tough to eliminate with household treatments and prefer to hide in dark, out-of-the-way places. The life cycle of a cockroach is explained in detail here.

Mating and Eggs

Cockroaches have a unique ritual for mating. The male shows off to the female by flapping its wings, exposing its abdomen, and even nibbling at the female. Once the two have mated, the female will create a tan-colored egg capsule or case called an ootheca that can hold anywhere from 16 to 40 eggs, depending on species. It then finds a dark, secluded spot and glues the ootheca to a surface with saliva to allow the eggs to incubate.

  • German cockroaches lay 20-40 eggs at a time, with an incubation period of about 28 days. The female can lay four or five egg cases in a lifetime, which means it can produce an average of about 200 young total.
  • American cockroaches Approximately 16 eggs are laid at a time, with a 44-day incubation period. In her lifetime, the female can lay six to fourteen egg cases, resulting in an average of 224 progeny.
  • Oriental cockroaches Approximately 16 eggs are laid at a time, with a 60-day incubation period. In her lifetime, the female can produce eight oothecae, or 128 offspring on average.
  • Brown-banded cockroaches Depending on the temperature of the surroundings, they lay about 10-18 eggs at a time, with an incubation period of 37 to 103 days. In her lifetime, the female can produce 14 oothecae, or roughly 200 offspring on average.
Cockroach Control in Doha Qatar, Pesticide Guard


When cockroaches hatch, they are known as nymphs, and they begin growing right away. Cockroach nymphs travel through multiple developmental stages, called instars, before reaching adulthood and shed their exoskeletons. When cockroaches are young, they are usually white or cream-colored, but as they grow older, they turn black, brown, or gray. Before becoming an adult, a nymph cockroach will molt numerous times.

  • German cockroaches molt six or seven times before reaching maturity, over a period of about 103 days.
  • American cockroaches molt ten to thirteen times before reaching maturity, over a period of about 600 days.
  • Oriental cockroaches molt seven to ten times before reaching maturity, over a period of about 589 days.
  • Brown-banded cockroaches molt six to eight times before reaching maturity, over a period of up to 276 days.

Adult Cockroach Lifespan

Once cockroaches reach adulthood, the cycle repeats again, if they can obtain food and water and are not exterminated from their preferred habitat. Adult female cockroaches often live longer than adult male cockroaches, however the length of each species’ lifespan varies.

  • Adult German cockroaches Both males and females have a lifespan of less than 200 days.
  • Adult American cockroaches Males can live for 362 days, while females can live for 700 days.
  • Adult Oriental cockroaches Males can live for about 160 days, while females can live for about 180 days.
  • Adult Brown-banded cockroaches Depending on the climate, it can live for up to 206 days.

Cockroach Control

Cockroach Control in Doha Qatar, Pesticide Guard

Cockroaches are hardy insects that are difficult to eradicate from a home or business. If you have a cockroach infestation, it’s better to contact a professional. We have over 12 years of experience dealing with cockroaches at Dodson Pest Control, so we can build a tailored plan to get rid of them for you.

Cockroach Control in Doha Qatar, Pesticide Guard

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What can I do to prevent cockroaches from returning to my house?

Cockroach Control Qatar

Cockroaches: 10 Ways to Keep Them Out

Cockroaches are one of the most feared pests of all time, and they are a common source of Pesticide Guard calls. These bugs are not only terrible to look at, but they are also infamous for spreading infections, contaminating surfaces in your home, and even causing allergic symptoms. Although having a cockroach infestation may make homeowners feel uncomfortable, they are prevalent in large cities and are not necessarily a reflection of your home’s cleanliness. Cockroach infestations are frequent in Qatar, even in clean houses. Cockroaches may be invading your home for a variety of causes, including a plumbing problem, open holes around your home’s foundation, or just the warm weather. If you reside in Qatar, it’s critical to understand how to keep cockroaches from returning to your home and entering your personal space. These suggestions from a reputable pest control firm, Pesticide Guard, will help you prevent cockroaches from returning to your home:

Maintain a Clean Kitchen

A cockroach infestation isn’t necessarily caused by a filthy kitchen, but it is frequently what encourages them to settle in and stay in your home. Cockroaches can readily find crumbs on your counters and under your oven or refrigerator. In your kitchen, they liberally deposit germs and faeces. It can be tough to convince cockroaches to leave your home if they can find a food supply, therefore eliminating easy sources of food is one of the greatest strategies to get them out. After each meal, immediately clean up your kitchen. All dishes should be washed, and the countertops should be well cleaned. When the lights go off, store food in sealed containers inside your refrigerator; don’t leave fruit or other items out on the counters for cockroaches to find.

Take Initiative

Get ahead of the roaches if you’ve recently moved into a new house or apartment, or if you don’t already have an infestation. Consider placing cockroach traps and gel-based cockroach assassins in areas where cockroaches will find them but where children and pets would not, such as behind the fridge and stove.

Treat Outside

Cockroaches can get into your house via the plumbing and sewage systems. Treating your yard with an appropriate bug killer might be a good preventative approach to keep them from getting into your house in the first place.

Trash Cans Should Be Kept Closed

Garbage cans, both indoor and outdoor, should be closed, cleaned, and emptied on a regular basis. Cockroaches love a full trash can since it’s like a buffet for them. One of the most effective preventative strategies against cockroaches is to keep them from locating food sources, as your Pesticide Guard pest control professional will tell you.

Vacuum your carpets and furniture on a regular basis.

In addition to keeping your kitchen clean, vacuuming your furniture and carpets on a regular basis will help reduce hidden crumbs that roaches may accumulate and eat.

Fill up the Cracks and Gaps

Check around your home’s doors, windows, attic vents, and other entry points for cockroaches and other pests. To further limit entrance locations, place screens over drain lines and sewer vents. Make sure the screens on your windows and doors are secure and free of holes, and that the weatherstripping is in good working order.

Organize Your Landscaping

If you have a lot of dead plants outside your house, now is the time to get rid of them. Roaches and other pests are attracted to thick, decaying vegetation near the house, making it simpler for them to find an access point inside your home. Maintain a barrier between plants and your home as well. Mulch, trees, shrubs, and other plants should be a minimum of 1-2 feet away from your house. Stack your firewood as far away from your house as possible.

Fix Plumbing Problems

Cockroaches, like other pests like ants, want to be near water. Contact a plumber to fix any leaking sinks, faucets, or pipes in your home that may be providing these pests with a life-giving water source unknowingly.

Keeping Wet Items Clean

Be sure to keep wet towels, toothbrushes, and washcloths out of drawers or cabinets, where they could provide sources of moisture for roaches. Wet towels or laundry should be washed right away for the same reason.

Get Professional Help

It can be difficult to get rid of all the roaches on your own if you have a serious infestation. Cockroaches can be removed from your house quickly, easily, and effectively using professional pest control services. In addition, the technician can evaluate your home and provide you tailored advice on how to keep them out.

Let Us Assist You with Your Cockroach Problem!

Termite and pest control company Pesticide Guard Termite and Pest Control specializes in cockroach and other pest infestation solutions. Our courteous technicians can evaluate your house for possible access ways and food sources, as well as offer safe cockroach elimination alternatives. We’ll perform the work perfectly the first time so you can relax in a clean, comfortable home free of unwelcome guests! Please contact us as soon as possible to set up an appointment.

Make an appointment with us today to arrange your inspection! - Pesticide Guard
Make an appointment with us today to arrange your inspection! – Pesticide Guard


How to Keep Your House Pest-Free

How to Keep Your House Pest-Free

How to Keep Your Doha, Qatar, Residence Pest-Free

Having the peace of mind that comes with a pest-free home is possible and well within reach, even if you’ve previously experienced with bugs. It may appear intimidating to have to maintain your home immaculate in order to avoid pests from taking up residence. However, it is more cost effective to maintain your home clean in order to repel bugs than to rebuild the walls, cables, and personal possessions they ruin.

Investing the time and effort necessary to keep your house clean is well worth the investment, since pests can pose a threat or spread disease to you or your family. We’ll present you with eight pest-prevention cleaning recommendations in this post.

01. Take Care to Avoid Standing Water

Although minimizing standing water in or around your house is not the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about pest prevention, it is a critical tip to remember since bugs of all sizes require a water supply to survive. Allow no standing water to accumulate around your house or property, as this may invite unwelcome guests.

Water sources might range from a birdbath to a leaking pipe to pooled water left over from car washing. To guarantee that you’re in the best possible position following a downpour, inspect your gutters and downspouts to ensure they’re not worn out or prone to pooling or leaking water into your property. Other potential sources of water include shower water that remains on the floor — a sign that your shower is not draining properly — or water seeping from your dishwasher, refrigerator, or other appliances.

02. Keep Your Property’s Grounds in Good Condition

Another pest control strategy is to keep the grounds around your home clean. Proper yard maintenance will keep pests away and increase the curb appeal of your property. Ticks, roaches, and ants will all find a home in the vegetation surrounding your home if it is not maintained. Whether it’s mowing the lawn, eliminating dead plants, or raking fallen leaves in the fall, bugs will be made to feel unwelcome. It is critical that they do not establish a home in your yard, since this might drive them to investigate the interior of your home.

If you have firewood on hand for an interior fireplace or a backyard firepit, avoid placing the woodpile near your home. To many bugs, stacks of firewood might resemble a house, including earwigs, centipedes, crickets, beetles, cockroaches, and termites. Keep your firewood at least twenty feet away from your home to keep them in the woodpile and not in your home.

03. Trash should be emptied

The kitchen is a high-traffic area that both people and pests see as their primary food source, which is why you should never allow pests to settle down for a meal. One of the most critical strategies for maintaining a pest-free house is to dump the garbage on a regular basis.

The garbage is a favorite haunt of many bugs since it is brimming with odorous delicacies just ready to be eaten. Ants, cockroaches, flies, and other undesirable insects will use your garbage as their own all-you-can-eat buffet, so empty it periodically. Once you’ve placed the garbage in the dumpster, replace the lid immediately; otherwise, mice, birds, squirrels, and other creatures will be able to rummage through your rubbish.

 Biggest Cleaning Tip Eliminate food sources
Biggest Cleaning Tip Eliminate food sources -Pesticide Guard

04. Food Sources Must Be Eliminated

The most important pest protection advice we can provide you is to eliminate feeding sources for bugs. Consider your kitchen for a moment – how the counters, the floor, the fruit basket on your island counter, and everything else that resides in your kitchen space seem. Leaving crumbs or scraps of food on your surfaces or floors is tantamount to inviting bugs of all types into your home.

If you have a fruit basket, keep in mind that rotting fruit or other product attracts fruit flies, house flies, ants, and other creatures.

Apart from keeping food off the floors and surfaces, it’s critical to keep food containers sealed and to keep food in the kitchen. Keeping food out of bedrooms and other areas of the house significantly reduces the likelihood of discovering bugs throughout your home.

05. Clean Your Homes Frequently

Maintaining a tidy kitchen will assist in maintaining a pest-free house but will be ineffective if the rest of your home is in disorder. You may feel secure in your insect prevention efforts and significantly reduce the chance of invasive pests in your house if you clean your entire home on a regular basis, such as during the autumn and spring cleaning seasons.

As part of your cleaning routine, you should inspect all mattresses, sofa cushions, and other furniture in your house, as cockroaches and bed bugs like dark, warm environments. Additionally, inspect pantries and other locations where food is stored for evidence of pests, such as droppings or tracks.

If you bring anything new into your house, including your luggage following a vacation, it’s a good idea to wash your clothing before placing them back on the dressers. Wash new bed sheets, blankets, or clothing on a hot cycle to destroy bugs and any eggs they may have laid. Additionally, vacuuming often and reducing clutter from your house will keep pests away, since they thrive in unclean and untidy environments.

06. Defend Your Pets from Pests

If you own a four-legged companion or another pet, it’s prudent to protect both them and yourself against pests. This can be accomplished by utilizing flea and tick repellant in conjunction with medicine or collars. Additionally, store pet food in sealed containers and ensure that your pets do not leave a mess after eating breakfast or supper. Consider providing meal portions to your pets and clearing their food dish and any crumbs they produce following their meal.

07. Conduct Routine Home Inspections

At the very least once a year, inspecting your house allows you to keep an eye on it and determine which areas may require maintenance now or in the future. Seal gaps and crevices to keep ants, spiders, and other pests out. Additionally, it is prudent to repair broken windows and window screens.

Assessing the interior of your home is also critical. Spend time in places known to harbor pests, such as the basement, attic, root cellar, laundry room, bathrooms, kitchen, and garage.

08. PESTICIDE GUARD Helps You Control Pests in Your Home

Following these pest control cleaning strategies might help keep bugs out of your house. Conducting routine inspections on your own will help prevent a minor bug problem from developing into a full-fledged infestation. Annual inspections and routine pest control maintenance performed by a pest control professional, on the other hand, might provide you with piece of mind.

Consult a professional immediately if you have a pest issue. Pesticide Guard’s skilled pest-control professionals can assist you in keeping your house pest-free throughout the year.

Make an appointment with us today to arrange your inspection!

Make an appointment with us today to arrange your inspection! - Pesticide Guard
Make an appointment with us today to arrange your inspection! – Pesticide Guard